Building Services Engineering

*Approved as a vocational program under the Ontario Career Colleges Act, 2005
The Building Services Engineering (BSE) diploma program provides the foundation for specialized building services training and is designed for students with strong academic backgrounds. Graduates of the Building Services Engineering diploma program will become key members of a facility management team, providing specialized design and management services and creating internal building comfort and functionality whilst minimizing energy to reduce the impact on global warming and climate change.
Key content within the program includes analysis of building performances, low energy design for buildings and environmental systems, fundamentals of engineering and practical experimentation, design of building and environmental systems, design projects, computational analysis, the use of industry standard software and extended software application, and management.
Course Features
- Schedule 0
- Quizzes 0
- Category 3 hours
- Accreditation All level
- Articulations English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes
Program Overview
- Heat Transfer
- Building Code
- Intro to HVAC & HVAC Applications
- Lighting Control & Design
- Energy Conservation in the Built Environment
- Electrical Systems in Buildings
- Sustainable Buildings
- Intro to Automatic Control Theory
- Modeling Building Performance
- Control of Building Services Systems
- Climatic Design
- Building Automation and BMS
- Design Project
- Introduction to Embedded Systems
- Fire Safety in the Built Environment
Admission Requirements
- Ontario Secondary School Diploma or equivalent, or
- Students are 18 years of age or older and pass a Superintendent approved qualifying test
Please see Admissions for detailed information.
Building Services Managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of commercial, transportation and recreational facilities and the included real estate.
The field offers employment in a wide range of establishments, such as office buildings, shopping centres, airports, harbours, warehouses, grain terminals, universities, schools and sports facilities, and by the maintenance and mechanical engineering departments of manufacturing and other industrial establishments. (click here to see details)
Graduates of the BSE program generally specialize in one of the following areas: electrical engineering, mechanical engineering or public health.
BSE’s play an important role in developing and maintaining buildings and their responsibilities include making the most effective use of natural resources and protecting public safety. BSE’s are proficient in all equipment and materials involved in heating, lighting, ventilation, air-conditioning, electrical distribution, water supply, sanitation, public health, fire protection, safety systems, lifts, escalators, facade engineering and even acoustics.
Graduates of the Building Services Engineering diploma program may find employment as a:
- Facility Operations Manager
- Building Operator
- Building Envelope Specialist
- Building Integration Specialist
- Building Condition Specialist
- Mechanical Services Superintendent
- Plant Maintenance Superintendent